Saturday, January 8, 2011 It. Comes.

2011. My new years resolution is to be a better blogger ;) HAHA. Anyway since my last post I don't know how long ago, here is a quick recap.
1. I graduated highschool
2. I bought a house
3. I started college
4. I got married.
5. My dad came home.

So I think that sums up my caotic life so far. Well its as up to date as I can get it. So for my first post of 2011 I am making new resolutions and remembering past accomplishments.

Accomplishments (2010):

1. Competed in Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2010
2. Graduated High School
3. Started college
4. Bought a house
5. Got married :D
6. Became legal. WOO HOO the big 18. HAHA

Resolutions (2011):

1. Become organized (i'm slowly but surely making progress on this one)
2. Get in to nursing school
3. Lose 20-30 pounds (cliche I know, but hey I have another pageant coming up)
4. Keep my 365 Day Project up to date (Stay tuned to see what it is)

Thats it, nothing to big. Just a few things that I would want to do new year or not. Nothing like a new year to get you motivated. This year is all about being fearless, whether I lose friends, make friends, get hurt, hurt someone, I'm living with no regrets. What are you doing?


Unknown said...

Awesome goals...I think you're off to a great start on several of those :)