Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Mommy Diaries

Yep, You have probably guessed it, I'm pregnant! It is very unexpected. We definitely weren't trying to have a baby, but looks like we are. We are very that the shock of it all has worn off. Matt and I have been suspecting it for awhile, but now it is doctor confirmed. We have our first OB appointment July 12th, or June 29th depending on which doctor we decide to go to. We are having insurance problems...UGH! I'm leaning to the one in July, the people in office sound nicer and are much more inclined to work with us, it seems. But I guess we will see how it turns out.

Another unexpected bump in the road...quite literally. Is that either I am farther along than what we think, or we are expecting twins. I guess we will find out at the appointment. But my HCG levels were really high which points to one of those two things. I'm hoping for the just being farther along. As of now I think I am due around the first of Feb, but my mom thinks I am due in Dec. Which puts a kink in our plan to go to Nicaragua.

The other big debate is the sex of the baby. Right now Baby Wesly is being called pending, because peanut and it just isn't cute enough. Girls, run in my family while Boys run in Matt's. So its a 50-50. Mom thinks I am having a girl. But I will be happy with either as long as it is happy. Girl clothes are cuter, but I like the big brother mentality of having a boy first. On that note though, we are far ahead of the game we already have names picked out. Robert Caden for a boy (he will be the 8th Robert in the Wesley family) and Olivia Brooke for a girl.

Either way, I'm totally excited and can't wait to start this chapter in my life.