Friday, August 10, 2012

6 Months...

6 Months, WOW! My little baby girl turned 6 months old yesterday. I can't believe how fast the time flys. It seems like just yesterday we were taking her home from the hospital and now she is learning to crawl. Time just needs to slow down. So much has happened in these past 6 months. I've watched Olivia go from a baby who just wants to sleep, who now hates sleep and just wants to play. I can't wait to see how these next 6 months go by. I know they are going to go by so fast, that I've already started planning her first birthday! You can't be too prepared right? I am just not ready for her to grow up just yet, she needs to stay this little forever. Right now, she loves to cuddle with mommy, she is definitly a momma's girl. I love that! I know one day she won't want to cuddle and be with me so I'm cherishing these little moments. I try to remember that when I get frustrated or feel like I need a break. I know a break is good every now and then. Mommy needs a recharge sometimes. For the most part though I try to be there for as much as possible, I just don't want to miss anything. This parenting thing is a little crazy and I'm still getting the hang of it, but I refuse to have any regrets about the way I do things. I wanna look back at my life and Olivia's life and know that I wouldn't change a thing! :)

Olivia and mommy on her 6 month birthday :)