Friday, August 10, 2012

6 Months...

6 Months, WOW! My little baby girl turned 6 months old yesterday. I can't believe how fast the time flys. It seems like just yesterday we were taking her home from the hospital and now she is learning to crawl. Time just needs to slow down. So much has happened in these past 6 months. I've watched Olivia go from a baby who just wants to sleep, who now hates sleep and just wants to play. I can't wait to see how these next 6 months go by. I know they are going to go by so fast, that I've already started planning her first birthday! You can't be too prepared right? I am just not ready for her to grow up just yet, she needs to stay this little forever. Right now, she loves to cuddle with mommy, she is definitly a momma's girl. I love that! I know one day she won't want to cuddle and be with me so I'm cherishing these little moments. I try to remember that when I get frustrated or feel like I need a break. I know a break is good every now and then. Mommy needs a recharge sometimes. For the most part though I try to be there for as much as possible, I just don't want to miss anything. This parenting thing is a little crazy and I'm still getting the hang of it, but I refuse to have any regrets about the way I do things. I wanna look back at my life and Olivia's life and know that I wouldn't change a thing! :)

Olivia and mommy on her 6 month birthday :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Useless Ramblings

Wow. One month and 15 days and I will be starting my junior year of the nursing program. I can't believe I have made it this far. It's crazy to think that in two years, I will be graduating with my BSN, and have a 2 year old, with hopefully another on the way. I can't imagine, life any different, but at the same time I can't believe how fast my life is going. I just turned 20. I have a wonderful little family. My friends are changing as I change, some for the better, some for the worse. Although, I'm sure all changes are for the better, it still hurts to lose friends that once were your life. It's a hard to pill swallow, when your lifestyle no longer matches your friends and they feel like that is a perfect reason to split ways. I understand that I have a family, but my so called friends said they wanted a family too, yet since they haven't started one yet, we shouldn't be friends. Yes, my feelings got a little hurt, but I'm learning how to be strong and be a better person because of it. All will be okay in the end, and if they couldn't stick by me during this time. I'm sure I don't want them beside me in the good times. I try not to be bitter and angry, but somedays I just can't help it, especially when I need a friend. Oh well, life is changing, and I'm gonna take it as it comes. As I once read in a book, I don't want to stand in the middle of a river trying to see around the bend while life flows on around me, I want to be here in the present enjoying every moment!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Olivia Brooke Wesley

Olivia Brooke Wesley arrived on Feb 9, 2012 at 2:54 pm. She weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 19.3 inches long. It has been a whirlwind year. Since I last blogged a lot has happened, apparently. I went through a pregnancy of which the last month was long and testing. I spent 3 weeks on an off in the hospital. After convincing my doctor to induce me early he wanted to perform an amnio to make sure Olivia was ready she wasn't. So I had to wait one more week for my planned induction. We went to my appointment, and told the doctor we wanted to forgo the second amnio and just induce as planned. He said the test results from the previous week were concerning after looking at them closer and that he wanted to do another amnio. He informed me that at 38 weeks she should have had some lung development and she had none. That was scary! So there started the longest hour of my life. I was sure we were going to be sent to a childrens hospital because something was wrong. Finally the news came! She was fine, and we could go ahead with the induction. One day later I had my precious little girl in my hands. And here we are 4 months later, and I have a spitfire little girl. She loves to play and be talked to. She has started giggling and rolling over. She loves to try new things. She fights her sleep. She is perfect.I wouldn't change a thing that happened. :) I love my little girl for all the ups and downs. The all nighters, the tears and the laughs. She has truely made my world a little better! Maybe I'll get better at this blogging stuff soon ;)