Monday, May 24, 2010


Tiffany is here! I was told to write this, so I did. She is my aunt and she is awesome!

Anyway useless ramblings. So many things have happened in the past couple of weeks.

My dad came home on leave from Afghanistan (he went back today). He was able to see me graduate from high school :). YAY! I finally did it. He was also able to meet my fiance, he already had but this time he got a chance to sit down and talk to him.

As I already mentioned I graduated from high school. Not so suprisingly I'm not sad. I hated highschool, or at least all the drama that it came with. I'm glad to be out of high school, away from the drama. I'm ready to begin college.

Speaking of college, I went earlier this month to make my class schedule. I'm officially a college student, registered and everything. I'm waiting on my room assignment now, then I'll be all set and ready. I'm currently typing this from my new laptop which I bought last week :), so I'm all set, well except for the stuff for the dorm room.

I think this is about it. I have alot of catching up to do later. But I think this is pretty much as up to date as can be as of today.

Oh yeah, I get engagement pictures done saturday in Memphis, TN! We are getting them done at the zoo, botannical gardens, and other places that we haven't really decided on yet. Needless to say I'm excited and can't to get them done.

Well thats really it this time. Peace for now.