Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Write Love On Her Arms

This may sound crazy to you, or like some silly teenage girl who is in love, but this title is so much more than that. This title is hope, it is a hope for those people who think they have reached the end. Now I know your wondering what am I talking about. I'm talking about suicide (betcha didn't see that one coming did ya) specifically suicide prevention.

So the back story To Write Love On Her Arms is a national organization (go check it out at ) that is dedicated to suicide prevention. Twice a year on specific dates people all across the world right love on their forearm, anyway they want to write it as long as it is there, simply by doing this they are showing people that they are loved, and that someone does care whether they are alive or not. This one simple action can save millions of lives.

Why is this so important? It is simple every year almost one million people die from suicide that is one person every 40 seconds. That is alot of people feeling alone in a very populated world. Why care about these people you don't even know? Simple. You may know someone who is considering suicide, it might be someone in your home, school, it could be your very best friend, then again it could be that person you never even give a second glance to. The real question is do your actions make that person want to live or do your actions just confirm the belief that they won't be missed.

This issue is very dear to my heart for many reason. I'm a compassionate person, and I can't stand to see others in pain, it literally makes me hurt inside to see someone else suffering, even a complete stranger. The main reason I'm so compassionate about suicide prevention is because it did happen to me. My cousin, Brian a.k.a Hollywood, committed suicide a couple of days after christmas just a few years ago. Nobody saw this coming, sure he was going through a tough time. Being in a car accident and becoming paralyzed from the shoulders down is a tough time I would say, even if you come from a big, loving family like mine even if it is dysfunctional at times. Was the pain too much for him? I don't know, nobody knows, nobody will ever know. My family never found a goodbye note. The last thing we got was when my aunt walked into his room in time for him to say I'm sorry mom, and pull the trigger. That is it. My life turned upside down in just a couple of seconds. We kept him on a vent long enough to harvest his organs and save six other lives, but at what a cost those six lives were saved. The hardest thing I have ever seen, and trust me I have seen alot as you will find out through other post is seeing my cousin in a coffin, with a bullet wound colored in on his temple. Nothing makes it sink in more than seeing the wound with your own eyes. Did it have to come to that no. Did I do anything to make it worse? Could I have helped? All questions I have to live with. But by simply writing LOVE on my arms I am showing complete strangers the love and compassion I couldn't even show my own cousin. So help us fight suicide, do it for the ones in your life that may be suffering with this.

Okay, on a lighter note. I know that this was an intense first blog. HAHA that is an understatement, but not all of my post will be this way. That would be just way too depressing, and I don't like depressing. Stay posted (haha this is a post) for more interesting stories (to say the least) from my life and how I am living life with no regrets.