Wednesday, July 20, 2011

12 Weeks and counting....

12 weeks as of we think. As of now the temporary due date is late Feburary, but in August I go for my first ultrasound and get a more accurate due date. I can't wait, this guessing game is driving me crazy. I just wanna know when my little bundle of joy and sleepless nights will be here. But for now I'm enjoying a little reprieve from all those pesky symptoms that have had me completely useless for that past couple weeks.

No more morning sickness! Well, its not completely gone, but it doesn't stick around all day and bug me. I can actually eat without the fear of throwing it back up later. However, I'm still exhausted, but I guess I should be getting used to this feeling. Despite being exhausted I'm oddly enough motivated to get stuff done.

Me and matt are so ahead of the game, which is just how I want it. We have already started rearranging the house in preparation for Baby Wesley. Now if only I could get the nursery decorated before school. Sadly, that is not an option but it would be nice. We are trying to get as much done as we can sooner rather than later. One reason is because I will be in my first semester of nursing school and I know I'm not gonna wanna decorate (or at least I'm gonna have very limited time to decorate). So my philosophy is the sooner I can get everything done but decorating the happier I will be, which means Matt will be happier. So all around everyone will be happier. :)

Baby Names...I don't remember I put this in my last post so I'll post it again just in case. For a girl the name will be Olivia Brooke Wesley and for a boy the verdict is Robert Caden Wesley

Now if we are having twins...we are just outa luck on names unless we have a girl and a boy. Oh didn't I mention twins are very good possibility. :/ They run in both sides of my family and in one side of Matt's. Oh and I had a very high HCG levels which points to twins or I could be further along than we thought. But the doctor kinda vetoed that last one, so my last hope for that is my upcoming ultrasound.

Well stay can also stay up to date here at my mom's blog (she is a much better blogger than me)