Wednesday, August 17, 2011

4 months and counting...

Well, we have an official due date. January 31,2012. Wow. That's only 5 months away, it seems so far away yet I know its going to go by really fast. Yesterday I was officially 16 weeks! :) I'm so excited it means only about 6 more weeks till we get to find out if we are having a little boy or little girl! I can't wait!!

Anyways, I have pictures!

These aren't the best pictures, but Baby Wesley was not wanting to stay still. Apparently he/she doesn't like pictures.

Matt was so funny during the ultrasound, he kept getting up to walk closer to the t.v so he could see the images better. He was so full of questions, it was amazing just to see his reaction to seeing our little baby on the screen. He is so excited! I am too for that matter.

So stay tuned for more updates on baby wesley. And for updates on school. I start school on monday (i'm jumping for, really. I am......NOT) So, I'm trying to completely get organized this weekend. I have orientation all day tomorrow, I'm sure there will be more on that later too.


Unknown said...

Yay! A blog post...with PICTURES!! Love ya :)