Well, its only 6:15 and instead of accomplishing my to-do list, I have accomplished watching numerous tornadoes form in our area. Luckily enough none touchdowned in town, obviously or I wouldn't be typing this. But, we did have one start its rotation right over our neighborhood. Lovely, right. Sadly, enough it looks like we have another round of storms coming our way. YAY! (note sarcasm).
It seems like lately all we have tornadoes one week, then floods, then tornadoes, then floods...well you get the idea. I'm tired of storms. Us here in the south need a break.
The good thing, we finally purchased a storm radio. We have been needing one, so while were out today getting supper while we still could, we decided to go buy one because it was looking like it was gonna get hairy. What would you know...not even five minutes after buying one my mom calls and says we have thirty minutes before we get slammed by a tornado. Lucky us, we have a radio just incase our power goes out. So we get our food, and go home. I get my hall closet all ready for us to go hide out. And nothing...so we wait and go outside. Scary clouds. Check. Tornado sirens. Check. Weather man saying get in our safe zone. Check. Storm deciding to go north. Check. Yep, after all of that we didn't get hit. Which is a good thing, not so good for our neighboring towns.
But it looks like we have a break for now. At least I have radio now for tonight. Maybe, I'll get some sleep. Maybe.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It's gonna be a long night...
Posted by Mallorye Bales at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: storms
Monday, May 23, 2011
I'm still here...are you?
I'm sure you all heard it, that the world was gonna end on saturday. Well I'm still here, and as far as I know everyone else is still here. My pastor however, brought up and interesting question.
If the world would have actually ended on Saturday who would you be leaving behind.
Ouch! My toes definitely got stepped on a little (okay they got stepped on alot). I would be leaving behind my grandparents, my uncles, some of my closest friends. How could I live with that. I've pondered the question many times I should tell them about Jesus. Then I just think well they know what I believe and what I think why risk ruining our relationships. Well, I know why. I don't want to leave them behind. I want them to enjoy a eternal life after death with me. If the world would have ended and I left them behind what would they think. Would they say "oh, she was right" or would they say "why didn't she care enough to talk more about with us". That's also a hard question.
My new philosophy is to not be so scared to share my faith to spare feelings and relationships. I don't want to leave anyone behind. The world really could end any moment and what am I doing to save lives? What are you doing to save lives.
So while I'm still here I'm gonna make a difference.
Posted by Mallorye Bales at 12:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: end of the world, life questions, religion
Monday, May 9, 2011
Determination...its a scary thing
Things I've learned since my last blog. I am a horrible blogger, and project life person. I am so behind that I may never find my way out of this hole. My last picture was Feb 10. Thats bad. But I have am going to get caught up and I'm going to become a better blogger. I'm determined. Even if it kills me. Okay, maybe I'm not that extreme but I do want to get better. But not today.
Today has been crazy. My car was in the shop for a very long 5 hours. Then once I got it back my dog got violently ill and I had to take him to the vet. Have no fears, he will live. And after that I have spent the last hour calling every ad in the paper I qualify for. I will find a job. Of that I'm determined too.
I have also decided to become an extreme couponer. Right now I'm just starting out but eventually I want to have a huge stockpile. Again I'm determined
I'm becoming a very determined person. This might be very interesting. Or it might be very scary...I guess we will see.
Posted by Mallorye Bales at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: determination