Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm still here...are you?

I'm sure you all heard it, that the world was gonna end on saturday. Well I'm still here, and as far as I know everyone else is still here. My pastor however, brought up and interesting question.

If the world would have actually ended on Saturday who would you be leaving behind.

Ouch! My toes definitely got stepped on a little (okay they got stepped on alot). I would be leaving behind my grandparents, my uncles, some of my closest friends. How could I live with that. I've pondered the question many times I should tell them about Jesus. Then I just think well they know what I believe and what I think why risk ruining our relationships. Well, I know why. I don't want to leave them behind. I want them to enjoy a eternal life after death with me. If the world would have ended and I left them behind what would they think. Would they say "oh, she was right" or would they say "why didn't she care enough to talk more about with us". That's also a hard question.

My new philosophy is to not be so scared to share my faith to spare feelings and relationships. I don't want to leave anyone behind. The world really could end any moment and what am I doing to save lives? What are you doing to save lives.

So while I'm still here I'm gonna make a difference.


Unknown said...

This one stepped on my toes too...I don't want to leave anyone behind..especially those I care about so much. Gotta do better :)