Wednesday, August 17, 2011

4 months and counting...

Well, we have an official due date. January 31,2012. Wow. That's only 5 months away, it seems so far away yet I know its going to go by really fast. Yesterday I was officially 16 weeks! :) I'm so excited it means only about 6 more weeks till we get to find out if we are having a little boy or little girl! I can't wait!!

Anyways, I have pictures!

These aren't the best pictures, but Baby Wesley was not wanting to stay still. Apparently he/she doesn't like pictures.

Matt was so funny during the ultrasound, he kept getting up to walk closer to the t.v so he could see the images better. He was so full of questions, it was amazing just to see his reaction to seeing our little baby on the screen. He is so excited! I am too for that matter.

So stay tuned for more updates on baby wesley. And for updates on school. I start school on monday (i'm jumping for, really. I am......NOT) So, I'm trying to completely get organized this weekend. I have orientation all day tomorrow, I'm sure there will be more on that later too.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

12 Weeks and counting....

12 weeks as of we think. As of now the temporary due date is late Feburary, but in August I go for my first ultrasound and get a more accurate due date. I can't wait, this guessing game is driving me crazy. I just wanna know when my little bundle of joy and sleepless nights will be here. But for now I'm enjoying a little reprieve from all those pesky symptoms that have had me completely useless for that past couple weeks.

No more morning sickness! Well, its not completely gone, but it doesn't stick around all day and bug me. I can actually eat without the fear of throwing it back up later. However, I'm still exhausted, but I guess I should be getting used to this feeling. Despite being exhausted I'm oddly enough motivated to get stuff done.

Me and matt are so ahead of the game, which is just how I want it. We have already started rearranging the house in preparation for Baby Wesley. Now if only I could get the nursery decorated before school. Sadly, that is not an option but it would be nice. We are trying to get as much done as we can sooner rather than later. One reason is because I will be in my first semester of nursing school and I know I'm not gonna wanna decorate (or at least I'm gonna have very limited time to decorate). So my philosophy is the sooner I can get everything done but decorating the happier I will be, which means Matt will be happier. So all around everyone will be happier. :)

Baby Names...I don't remember I put this in my last post so I'll post it again just in case. For a girl the name will be Olivia Brooke Wesley and for a boy the verdict is Robert Caden Wesley

Now if we are having twins...we are just outa luck on names unless we have a girl and a boy. Oh didn't I mention twins are very good possibility. :/ They run in both sides of my family and in one side of Matt's. Oh and I had a very high HCG levels which points to twins or I could be further along than we thought. But the doctor kinda vetoed that last one, so my last hope for that is my upcoming ultrasound.

Well stay can also stay up to date here at my mom's blog (she is a much better blogger than me)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Mommy Diaries

Yep, You have probably guessed it, I'm pregnant! It is very unexpected. We definitely weren't trying to have a baby, but looks like we are. We are very that the shock of it all has worn off. Matt and I have been suspecting it for awhile, but now it is doctor confirmed. We have our first OB appointment July 12th, or June 29th depending on which doctor we decide to go to. We are having insurance problems...UGH! I'm leaning to the one in July, the people in office sound nicer and are much more inclined to work with us, it seems. But I guess we will see how it turns out.

Another unexpected bump in the road...quite literally. Is that either I am farther along than what we think, or we are expecting twins. I guess we will find out at the appointment. But my HCG levels were really high which points to one of those two things. I'm hoping for the just being farther along. As of now I think I am due around the first of Feb, but my mom thinks I am due in Dec. Which puts a kink in our plan to go to Nicaragua.

The other big debate is the sex of the baby. Right now Baby Wesly is being called pending, because peanut and it just isn't cute enough. Girls, run in my family while Boys run in Matt's. So its a 50-50. Mom thinks I am having a girl. But I will be happy with either as long as it is happy. Girl clothes are cuter, but I like the big brother mentality of having a boy first. On that note though, we are far ahead of the game we already have names picked out. Robert Caden for a boy (he will be the 8th Robert in the Wesley family) and Olivia Brooke for a girl.

Either way, I'm totally excited and can't wait to start this chapter in my life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's gonna be a long night...

Well, its only 6:15 and instead of accomplishing my to-do list, I have accomplished watching numerous tornadoes form in our area. Luckily enough none touchdowned in town, obviously or I wouldn't be typing this. But, we did have one start its rotation right over our neighborhood. Lovely, right. Sadly, enough it looks like we have another round of storms coming our way. YAY! (note sarcasm).

It seems like lately all we have tornadoes one week, then floods, then tornadoes, then floods...well you get the idea. I'm tired of storms. Us here in the south need a break.

The good thing, we finally purchased a storm radio. We have been needing one, so while were out today getting supper while we still could, we decided to go buy one because it was looking like it was gonna get hairy. What would you know...not even five minutes after buying one my mom calls and says we have thirty minutes before we get slammed by a tornado. Lucky us, we have a radio just incase our power goes out. So we get our food, and go home. I get my hall closet all ready for us to go hide out. And we wait and go outside. Scary clouds. Check. Tornado sirens. Check. Weather man saying get in our safe zone. Check. Storm deciding to go north. Check. Yep, after all of that we didn't get hit. Which is a good thing, not so good for our neighboring towns.

But it looks like we have a break for now. At least I have radio now for tonight. Maybe, I'll get some sleep. Maybe.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm still here...are you?

I'm sure you all heard it, that the world was gonna end on saturday. Well I'm still here, and as far as I know everyone else is still here. My pastor however, brought up and interesting question.

If the world would have actually ended on Saturday who would you be leaving behind.

Ouch! My toes definitely got stepped on a little (okay they got stepped on alot). I would be leaving behind my grandparents, my uncles, some of my closest friends. How could I live with that. I've pondered the question many times I should tell them about Jesus. Then I just think well they know what I believe and what I think why risk ruining our relationships. Well, I know why. I don't want to leave them behind. I want them to enjoy a eternal life after death with me. If the world would have ended and I left them behind what would they think. Would they say "oh, she was right" or would they say "why didn't she care enough to talk more about with us". That's also a hard question.

My new philosophy is to not be so scared to share my faith to spare feelings and relationships. I don't want to leave anyone behind. The world really could end any moment and what am I doing to save lives? What are you doing to save lives.

So while I'm still here I'm gonna make a difference.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Determination...its a scary thing

Things I've learned since my last blog. I am a horrible blogger, and project life person. I am so behind that I may never find my way out of this hole. My last picture was Feb 10. Thats bad. But I have am going to get caught up and I'm going to become a better blogger. I'm determined. Even if it kills me. Okay, maybe I'm not that extreme but I do want to get better. But not today.

Today has been crazy. My car was in the shop for a very long 5 hours. Then once I got it back my dog got violently ill and I had to take him to the vet. Have no fears, he will live. And after that I have spent the last hour calling every ad in the paper I qualify for. I will find a job. Of that I'm determined too.

I have also decided to become an extreme couponer. Right now I'm just starting out but eventually I want to have a huge stockpile. Again I'm determined

I'm becoming a very determined person. This might be very interesting. Or it might be very scary...I guess we will see.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Project Life (365 Day Project) Week 1

This year I am taking a picture everyday and putting it in my Project Life scrapbook which my mom got me. She is doing it should check her out (

So here is my first week :)

Family game night at Matt's parents. It was a fun-filled night with family and lots of cheating. Heidi Logan's (Matt's brother was there) so of course me and her had to stick together. ;)

Family game night at my parent's house. Weird how that happened. We learned a new game called golf, and didn't cheat near as much. I love getting together with my family.

Monday, I cleaned and cleaned, and oh yea did I mention I cleaned.

I made a bigger mess, trying to clean up the already big mess in my music room/office. But it looks great now!

Matt has wednesday night practices on the weeks he plays at church for the band. So when he comes home this is what I wake up to a guitar in my freshly cleaned living room. Oh well. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Blake my little brother (idk he is taller than me, so I guess he isn't little) had a game tonight. Me of course forgot my camera, so I found this photo from a year ago. But all the boys in the picture played so it works out, if you don't think so just don't tell me. Cuz I would like to believe it does.

My husband (Matt) and my puppy (Luke) have this ritual everynight where they will wrestle. Then the dog gets beat up and comes back for more, Matt laughs, and I have a heartattack when my 60 pound boxer goes flying into my inn table with a lamp on it. And then they end up like this. EVERY time. No joking. EVERY time. But I love it :)

So that was my first week of the 2011 year. :) It was fun, I only hope this second week can be the same. I doubt it..i'm starting school back up. YUCK! It. Comes.

2011. My new years resolution is to be a better blogger ;) HAHA. Anyway since my last post I don't know how long ago, here is a quick recap.
1. I graduated highschool
2. I bought a house
3. I started college
4. I got married.
5. My dad came home.

So I think that sums up my caotic life so far. Well its as up to date as I can get it. So for my first post of 2011 I am making new resolutions and remembering past accomplishments.

Accomplishments (2010):

1. Competed in Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2010
2. Graduated High School
3. Started college
4. Bought a house
5. Got married :D
6. Became legal. WOO HOO the big 18. HAHA

Resolutions (2011):

1. Become organized (i'm slowly but surely making progress on this one)
2. Get in to nursing school
3. Lose 20-30 pounds (cliche I know, but hey I have another pageant coming up)
4. Keep my 365 Day Project up to date (Stay tuned to see what it is)

Thats it, nothing to big. Just a few things that I would want to do new year or not. Nothing like a new year to get you motivated. This year is all about being fearless, whether I lose friends, make friends, get hurt, hurt someone, I'm living with no regrets. What are you doing?